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You Are Here: Home - - Russia’s Black Sea Fleet to remain in Sevastopol


On Wednesday, the Russian Federation Council (the country’s Upper Chamber of Parliament) ratified an agreement between Russia and Ukraine on extending the Black Sea Fleet's presence in Crimea after 2017 for 25 years.

The chamber was unanimous in agreement: all 132 legislators voted for the document. Now it is due to be signed by the presidents of Russia and Ukraine.
The day before, on April 27, the agreement was approved by Russia's State Duma and Ukraine's Verkhovnaya Rada.
Russian parliamentarians have expressed their support for the deal with 410 votes.
Despite opposition’s attempts to block the decision a total of 236 Ukrainian parliamentarians also supported this decision on Tuesday.
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev believes Ukraine's ratification of the Black Sea Fleet agreement shows the supremacy of the country's strategic interests over emotion. He made the statement at a joint press conference with Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg in Oslo.
“This agreement is beneficial for both Russia and Ukraine,” he proclaimed, “but we need to benefit intelligently from it: we must get rid of a mathematical approach and not discuss who lost or who won, not discuss how it will influence current issues, but look to the future.”
“We have paid a lot for our fleet position on the territory of Crimea, but it is not a fantastic price. That is because we have strategic relations with Ukraine, with the government very close to our country,” announced Medvedev.


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