Russia’s Ministry of Defense has confirmed this, saying that those three countries have agreed in principle to Russia’s invitation.
“Since there have already been some political speculations on this issue, I would like to stress that the contingent from the anti-Hitler coalition countries, who have contributed greatly to the defeat of Nazi Germany, will participate in this parade”, said Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister Colonel General Aleksandr Kolmakov in a press conference on Monday. Responding to some media coverage, Kolmakov stressed that it would not just be “NATO troops” marching on Red Square, but the battalions from the countries which helped fight fascism in Europe.
Invitations from the Russian Ministry of Defense have been sent to the Defense Ministries of Britain, the US and France and “the leaderships from those countries have appreciated such a gesture from Russia and have appointed the battalions that will take part in the parade”, said Kolmakov. For instance, he pointed out that France will be represented by aviators of the legendary “Normandie-Niemen” squadron, while the US will be represent by the land forces which took part in the events that took part on the River Elbe and the opening of the Second Battlefront. The UK ambassador to Russia has also confirmed that Britain will be represented by a marching detachment of the First Battalion Welsh Guards, which recently returned from Afghanistan, as well as approximately 45 musicians from the Royal Air Force.
“Besides this, considering the contribution to the defeat of the Nazis by the Polish Troops, which fought against the German Nazis on the territory of the former Soviet Union, participated in the defeat of Berlin and took part in the Victory Parade of 1945, it has been decided to invite the Polish Squadron Guard of Honor,” said Kolmakov.
Kolmakov noted that in response to Russia’s invitation, the heads of the British, the US and French Defense Ministries have “expressed confidence that the joint participation of their battalions with Russian troops in such an important event and will be a sign of recognition of an indisputable part that the Soviet troops played in defeating Nazi Germany and will contribute immensely to interstate relations.”
Colonel General Kolmakov added that for the parade to run smoothly a joint rehearsal will be held on Red Square and the foreign squadrons will be accompanied by Soviet military marching music. However, he has denied commenting on the exact number of the foreign troops that will take part in the parade.