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You Are Here: Home - HABARI ZA LEO - debate on arming rebels in Libya continues

Libyan rebels and forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi fought over the cities of al-Brega and Misrata on Monday as uncertainty lingered whether Western nations would arm the outgunned opposition.
An opposition officer in al-Brega said Monday that rebel forces had the oil town surrounded from the north, east and west and had been bombarding the area with rockets for much of the afternoon. Maj. Miftah Omar Hamzah told CNN that 50 carloads of loyalist forces remained in al-Brega, but he insisted that the Gadhafi troops were on the defensive.
New al-Brega, a suburban area of the homes of workers at a nearby oil refinery, was partially under rebel control. Opposition officers said they were still clearing the area of Gadhafi forces, and a resident fleeing the area told CNN that it is still unsafe.
There have been no NATO airstrikes in the area for at least 24 hours, he said.
The perceived lack of airstrikes enforcing a U.N. resolution to protect civilians from Gadhafi's forces and enforce an arms embargo brought criticism from a rebel spokesman on Monday.
"You are supposed to be implementing this resolution and clearly it's not implemented in Misrata, it's not implemented in Zintan or Zahwiya andwe're wondering where are they?" said Mustafa Gheriani.
In Misrata, destruction permeated the city, which has been choked off by pro-Gadhafi forces.


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