The State Duma has adopted a new immigration bill that allows living and working in Russia to become easier for foreigners.
The new law divides all foreigners wishing to come to work in Russia into two categories: highly-skilled workers who are defined as foreigners and have serious expertise in a particular area and receive a high salary and “ordinary guest workers”.
The first group will have a much easier time coming to Russia. Up to now, there were quotas for foreign employees. Now, any company will be able to employ as many expats as it wishes. Moreover, highly skilled migrants can be granted temporary rights of stay for up to three years at a time at the request of their employers.
As for “ordinary guest workers” mostly arriving from CIS countries, they will have to purchase special work permits costing 1,000 roubles (about $33) a month, instead of abolished work permits, and their fingerprints will be scanned.